When flu season arrives, it brings more than just a chill in the air. It is a time when many of us start reaching for tissues and feeling the onset of symptoms. But having a primary care doctor by your side acts as your first line of defense, helping you not only during flu season but all year Read More
flu season
Why There Is a Flu Season and How to Prevent It
Influenza, or the flu, is more than just fever, aches, coughs, and a sore throat. It’s not just a nuisance that keeps adults home from work and children home from school as it runs its course within a week or two. The flu can last for much longer than that and can come with many complications – it's Read More
Why is the Flu So Bad this Year?
Maybe your entire office called out sick. Perhaps you lay in your bed, numb from body aches, hoping your cell phone wouldn’t ring because it was just too much effort to answer. Maybe you were the only healthy one in the house but taking care of an entire family left you ragged. According to data Read More