Clinical Research
As a multispecialty practice, Intercoastal Medical Group frequently conducts clinical research related to a number of specialties in order to test the safety and effectiveness of new drugs or medical devices. We have been involved in many trials that resulted in innovative medical advances.
The goal of clinical trials is to find new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat medical conditions. In the U.S., all new drugs and devices must undergo rigorous research and successful testing on humans to be approved by the FDA before they can be introduced to the general public for use.
Since 2004, Intercoastal Medical Group has been proud to work with the National Institute of Health (NIH), various pharmaceutical and device companies to help progress the field of medicine. If you, a friend or a family member are interested in a clinical study pertaining to any of the following, please give us a call at (941) 404-4390 to see if you qualify.
Current Clinical Trials at Intercoastal Medical Group
If you participate in a clinical trial at Intercoastal Medical Group, you will receive medical exams, medication and treatment, and lab work, free of charge. You may also be eligible for time and travel reimbursement.
The main benefit of participating in a clinical trial is the opportunity to have access to a medical breakthrough or successful treatment not yet available to others. However, you must meet strict eligibility criteria to participate. This criteria differs from study to study.
If you are interested in enrolling in a trial, call (941) 404-4390. One of our staff members will contact you to let you know if you meet the qualifications for participating in one of our studies.
Enrolling trials:
- Mild cognitive impairment
- Alzheimer’s disease in all stages
- Alzheimer’s disease associated psychosis
- Pulmonary hypertension