Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition affecting the hand and wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, which is responsible for sending signals of sensations and muscle movement in your hand, becomes compressed and inflamed. When this happens, you may find it challenging to use and move your Read More
Primary Care Doctor
Worlds Apart: Understanding the Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic condition that is one of the primary causes of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke across the world. There are two major types: type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The main distinctions between the two are their causes and methods of management. Understanding the type Read More
What Is the Difference Between Acute and Chronic Care?
When you’re not feeling well, the last thing on your mind is whether you’re experiencing an acute or chronic condition. You just want your doctor to diagnose your illness and restore your health as quickly and effectively as possible. However, the healthcare you receive will often depend on Read More
Preventing Heat Stroke during the Summer
While the summer season allows us to enjoy various outdoor activities, it is also the time of the year when we experience extreme heat—so much so that it puts us at risk of heat stroke. Its symptoms include a high body temperature (104 F), rapid breathing, flushed skin, vomiting, and altered mental Read More
Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
If you feel pain, weakness, or numbness in your wrist and hand, it may be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition occurs when your median nerve, which provides sensation to your fingers (all except your pinkie), becomes compressed due to pressure from leaning too much or for too long on the Read More
Tennis Elbow Treatment Options
Tennis elbow is a condition that usually develops due to overuse of the elbow, as the tendons – which connect the bones to other bones in the elbow joint – become inflamed. This results in pain in the elbow that can also radiate through the arm. It gets its name because it is a common injury in Read More
What Do My MRI Scans Mean?
Your doctor has sent you to have an MRI scan. It’s a very strange scan the first time you have one, because the machine makes loud and awkward noises while the magnets are scanning your body and picking up images. You may wonder why your doctor ordered this particular test and what the results Read More
Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency Most People Ignore
If your bones have been aching lately, you're feeling down in the dumps, are having sleeping problems, or experiencing acid reflux, you may think these are simply signs of aging. These symptoms on their own may not signal a major problem, but put them together and it could mean that you’re not Read More
Foot Fitness Tips for Active People
If you spend a lot of time on your feet and on the go, it’s practically inevitable that you’ll experience foot or ankle pain at some point. However, by strengthening your foot muscles with exercise and stretches and using the right footwear, you can prevent soreness, increase the range of motion Read More
Signs of a Hernia
A hernia is a common medical condition that causes a localized bulge in the abdomen or groin area. It usually produces no troublesome symptoms and is harmless, but there are times when it can bring pain and discomfort. Hernias usually occur when there is a hole or weakness in the muscular wall Read More