March has been designated as Colorectal Awareness Month by the American Cancer Society. According to the Centers of Disease Control, or CDC – colorectal cancer, which affects both men and women, is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Each year about 140,000 Americans Read More
What does Your Primary Care Doctor Want you to Understand?
Primary care doctors or PCP (primary care physicians), are the first line of defense in the battle for your health. These caring physicians often have full caseloads, seeing patients from all walks of life and at all life stages. Primary care doctors assume different roles at various times, often Read More
What is Pulmonary Hypertension?
Pulmonary hypertension, or PAH is high blood pressure within the heart and lung system. Think of the heart as a two-sided pump with four chambers (two upper chambers called atriums and two lower chambers called ventricles). Every day the heart continuously feeds a closed system of blood vessels to Read More
What is a Pulmonologist?
A pulmonologist is a physician that specializes in conditions of the lung and respiratory tract including the throat, sinuses, nose, windpipe, or trachea, and sometimes conditions that affect the heart or other structures closely related to the respiratory system. The word pulmonology, comes from Read More
The ABCDEs of Skin Cancer
Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? Your skin serves many beneficial purposes. Not only does it protect you from injury, germs, and dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays, but it also helps regulate body temperature, detect the sensations of heat, cold, pressure, contact, and Read More
Tendonitis: What is it? How to Treat it?
Tendons are the flexible bands that connect the bones to the muscles, however, sometimes tendons can become inflamed or irritated. This condition is called Tendonitis. While tendonitis can affect everyone, regardless of age, tendonitis is more common in adults – especially when constant physical Read More
Chest Pain: What Could It Mean?
Most people automatically think of heart diseases when they think of chest pain, however, the truth is that chest pain can be caused by several different conditions - a lot of which do not stem from the heart. While it is extremely important to visit a doctor as soon as you start developing pain in Read More
Asthma: Myths Debunked
We’ve all heard of asthma, it is that disease a lot of our friends had while we were in elementary school. Asthma caused severe coughing and wheezing and further prevented them from enjoying recess. However, as we grow, asthma cases seem to become less frequent, but information about asthma seems Read More
Surviving Arthritis
Arthritis can be an excruciatingly painful and hard to deal with disease that makes accomplishing simple day-to-day tasks, such as buttoning your shirt in the morning, quite difficult. Arthritis can cause debilitating pain in the affected joints, oftentimes hindering your mobility. While Read More
Important Questions to Ask Your Primary Care Physician: Building a Relationship
Your primary care physician is typically your initial contact in health care. When choosing a primary care physician, patients tend to choose a professional who is convenient to their home or office, and easy to travel to in times of illness. Choosing a primary care physician often involves Read More