There are a surprising number of routine physicals throughout your lifetime that may be required for work, school, or simply as a matter of protecting your heath. For instance, some careers require a physical exam. Others are necessitated by schools, which may require proof of vaccination, Read More
Why are Physicals Required in Schools?
Have you ever wondered why schools require physicals before students are allowed to attend? The main reason for physical exams is that students can easily carry a communicable disease, without even knowing they have it. It is also a way to make sure that children are protected from common Read More
Signs of Hearing Loss You Should not Ignore
At Intercoastal Medical Group, we understand the complex nature of hearing and wellness. With that in mind, we created this brief guide to help you understand signs of hearing loss you shouldn’t ignore. Many people seem to believe that hearing loss is an inevitability of aging. While hearing loss Read More
Why Should You See a Vascular Doctor?
If you have been advised to see a vascular doctor, you may be wondering why. A vascular doctor is a physician who specializes in providing comprehensive and effective care for all forms of vascular diseases and conditions of the circulatory system. Vascular doctors treat all blood vessels Read More
What is the Role of a Primary Care Physician in Your Healthcare
Primary Care Physicians fill an important role in modern healthcare. Studies have consistently shown that patients with a dedicated primary care physician live longer, and have better overall health than those who do not. This is not really all that surprising since the role of a primary care Read More
Reasons to Visit an ENT Doctor (Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist)
If the first thing that came to mind when you thought of an ENT was “allergies and sinus,” you’re not alone, because ENTs do treat many patients suffering with allergies and sinus troubles, but primary care physicians and allergists also treat a good number of patients suffering with allergies and Read More
Tips for Surviving Allergic Reactions
An allergic reaction is a condition in which the immune system tries to attack a foreign substance in or on the body. Usually, the immune system is tasked with protecting the body against a host of foreign invaders such as bacteria, toxins, or viruses. Sometimes, however, the immune system can be Read More
Preparing for an Endoscopy
There are times when a doctor needs to see what is going on in our digestive track. In some cases, your doctor may suspect that you are bleeding from an ulcerated area, or he or she may be looking for polyps. They may seek to find the cause of unexplained weight loss, pain, abdominal issues, or Read More
When Should you Have a Colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is an exam that is used to detect changes or irregularities in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. During this exam, a long, flexible tube called an endoscope is inserted into the rectum where a tiny video camera at the end of the scope allows the doctor to view the inside of the Read More
Surprising Reasons to Visit Your Primary Care Physician
At Intercoastal Medical Group, we understand that it is often easy to rationalize, or find an excuse to avoid doing something you may not want to do. And many people simply put off going to see the doctor because they are just too busy. Others worry that they are being silly, or that their Read More