Many allergies begin to show symptoms in as early as infancy and childhood. Allergies may cause symptoms that come up externally (on the skin) or internally (congestion, anaphylactic shock, etc.). If your child is exhibiting unusual symptoms after eating certain foods or during allergy season, he or Read More
Problems Caused by Smoking
A lot has been said about smoking and how terrible it is for your health. To make matters worse, smoking not only affects the smoker, but also the people around the smoker, including family members, friends, and co-workers. Smoking harms every organ inside your body -- your lungs, heart, blood Read More
What Do My MRI Scans Mean?
Your doctor has sent you to have an MRI scan. It’s a very strange scan the first time you have one, because the machine makes loud and awkward noises while the magnets are scanning your body and picking up images. You may wonder why your doctor ordered this particular test and what the results Read More
Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency Most People Ignore
If your bones have been aching lately, you're feeling down in the dumps, are having sleeping problems, or experiencing acid reflux, you may think these are simply signs of aging. These symptoms on their own may not signal a major problem, but put them together and it could mean that you’re not Read More
Foot Fitness Tips for Active People
If you spend a lot of time on your feet and on the go, it’s practically inevitable that you’ll experience foot or ankle pain at some point. However, by strengthening your foot muscles with exercise and stretches and using the right footwear, you can prevent soreness, increase the range of motion Read More
Prevention and Control of Asthma Attacks
The incidence of asthma is on the increase, particularly in children. Approximately 7% of Americans are currently suffering with asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Females are slightly Read More
Advantages of Being Treated by an Internist
“Internist” is another name for a doctor who specializes in internal medicine. Not to be confused with interns, these physicians have spent years studying and specializing in conditions and illnesses that affect adults. They are able to treat a wide range of adult illnesses and diseases. So, if Read More
First Signs of Menopause
Officially, menopause is when a woman has gone a full year – 12 months – without having her period anymore. A woman will first experience signs that menopause is on the proverbial radar, and this phase is called perimenopause. There is no definitive age or delineation of when this health phase is Read More
Staying Healthy When You Work in an Office
It’s a challenge many hard-working Americans face each day – how to stay fit while having to meet the demands of a sometimes physically and mentally exhausting occupation. If you find yourself feeling too tired after a long day at the office to do anything but stream Netflix, or so stressed that Read More
Signs of a Hernia
A hernia is a common medical condition that causes a localized bulge in the abdomen or groin area. It usually produces no troublesome symptoms and is harmless, but there are times when it can bring pain and discomfort. Hernias usually occur when there is a hole or weakness in the muscular wall Read More