The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that high blood pressure (hypertension) affects approximately 47 percent of American adults, and roughly 400,000 succumb to it every year.
Characterized by a chronically elevated blood pressure exceeding 130/80 mmHg, hypertension has been dubbed by experts “the silent killer” because it has very few symptoms or none at all: you can live with it for years and not know that you have it. Hypertension also puts you at a greater risk for stroke, heart attack, heart failure, sudden cardiac death, among other potentially life-threatening complications.
Whether you have hypertension or the risk factors for it (e.g., excess weight issues, diabetes, or unhealthy lifestyle habits), you should pay attention even to the subtle signs your body is sending you and work closely with your doctor to keep your blood pressure in check.
Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For
The following can be signs and symptoms of a hypertensive crisis, which could result in organ damage. If you happen to experience any or some of these, contact your primary care physician right away or call 911 for prompt intervention.
- Blood pressure of 180/120 or higher
- Sudden or severe headache, especially if accompanied by blurred vision, confusion, and/or one-sided paralysis of face or extremities
- Severe chest pain, especially if it occurs with nausea or vomiting, sweating, unexplained wheezing, rapid heartbeats, shortness of breath, etc.
- Nosebleeds
- Seizures
How to Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check
In addition to prescribing or making adjustments to your current medications, your primary care physician will likely give you dietary and lifestyle recommendations to effectively manage your blood pressure. These include the following:
- Maintaining a healthy weight by exercising regularly and making healthy food choices (consuming a low-fat and low-sodium diet)
- Managing stress levels
- Taking your medications as prescribed
- Monitoring your blood pressure at home and seeing your PCP regularly
- Lowering caffeine and alcohol intake
- Quitting smoking
Hypertension Management in Bradenton and Sarasota, FL
If you’re looking for a reliable primary care physician within the Bradenton or Sarasota area in Florida, visit us here at Intercoastal Medical Group. Our internists and family physicians are all committed to delivering excellent treatment outcomes for the entire range of chronic medical problems—including hypertension.
We will work closely with you to fully educate you on hypertension, its treatment, potential complications, and what you can do to keep your blood pressure levels under control. We will run through the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis, such as those mentioned above, and to help you recognize those situations when you might need urgent medical intervention. We will also gladly coordinate your care with one of our cardiologists, should specialized care be necessary for your condition.
To see one of our primary care physicians, contact us at our office near you. You may fill out this appointment request form. Our internists accommodate patients at these locations: Lakewood Ranch I, Lakewood Ranch II, Hyde Park, Cattleridge Medical Building, Palmer Ranch I, and Palmer Ranch II. Our family medicine physicians accommodate patients at these offices: Lakewood Ranch I, Lakewood Ranch II, Cattleridge Medical Building, Beneva Family Practice, Beneva Professional Center, Palmer Ranch I, and Palmer Ranch II.