When it comes to your health and the health of your family, your primary care physician, or PCP, forms the foundation for your entire medical team.
Family medical providers are primary care physicians who act as the point-person, treating your everyday healthcare needs, coordinating your care, and providing referrals to other specialists as needed.
A good family medicine practice provides routine exams, screenings, medications, vaccinations, health and wellness checkups, minor surgical procedures, and more. When you go to see a cardiologist, for example, your primary care doctor provides the referral. They manage your medical records and medications, all while working with your other doctors to provide exceptional care for everything from a tummy ache to a twisted ankle, or even a chronic condition.
Because family medical providers work with your family members at every stage of life, they have to have an extensive knowledge of many overlapping fields. That’s why family medical doctors have to complete three years of additional training that includes a broad range of other specialties. Family care practitioners are trained in gynecology, psychology, pediatrics (children), and geriatrics (older adults), as well as infectious diseases, fertility, and preventative medicine.
What Can a Family Practitioner Do?
A family practitioner is a fully qualified, licensed medical doctor who can write prescriptions, order tests, perform exams, diagnose and treat conditions or injuries, and otherwise manage all of your basic healthcare needs.
Your PCP will also assess the effectiveness of any medications you receive as well as monitoring your on-going family medical care needs. At Intercoastal Medical Group, our excellent family practice providers are your first resource for tests and services, such as:
- Imaging Services: Fully accredited by the American College of Radiology and evaluated by board certified specialists.
- Laboratory Services: Multiple locations for labs, with experienced and professional technicians.
- Well Visits: Scheduled visits for children to assess growth and development and update immunizations, as well as wellness screenings, and other routine care for patients of all ages.
- Referrals to other specialists: family medical providers are part of a chain of care that includes surgical, gynecological, orthopedic and any other form of care you or your family might require.
Your family practice provider is the linchpin that ties all of your family healthcare together. From basic immunizations to monitoring the growth and wellness of your children, to women’s health and the ongoing needs of older adults, family practice providers are the center from which all of your care radiates.
With over 20 dedicated family practice providers, Intercoastal Medical Group can give your family the care you deserve. Give us a call today or request an appointment online. At Intercoastal Medical Group, we are here to help you get more out of life.